Strawberry Cheesecake

I love making sweet desserts. I feel good whenever I bake or cook. Here’s what I’ve made this week:

a slice of Strawberry Cheesecake

This is a No-bake Cheesecake. I think a five-year old kid can make this kind of dessert. It’s so easy to do. What I used on making this cheesecake is Jell-O’s Ready Mix Cheesecake, but I also mixed it with a 250 gram cheesecake to make the filling thicker and more appetizing.

Though I also made New-York style Cheesecake in the past, which I prefer over this No-bake Cheesecake recipes.


27th of May

Thank you God for allowing us to safely travel the roads of Metro Manila.

I camera shot myself on our way to Ortigas with a mission of getting my dress form. It’s my very first dress form and I’m just so glad to finally own one. Now I can drape a gown or a chic dress for everyone to appreciate.

It took us half an hour of driving (My youngest brother drove), but it’s all worth it.


Yehey, finally we are at the Fashion Institute of the Philippines. I am a student since 2008, and hopefully I can complete everything before the year 2011 ends.

Fashion Institute of the Philippines - Ortigas Main Branch

Nobody greeted me at the lobby. Mikee Andrei might be late or was busy preparing for the Speed Fashion Show that’s happening tonight at Greenbelt.

And here’s my dress form:

Size 6 dress form

We were on a rush and so we left the school right away. And off we go to our next destination: Joey Pepperoni Pizzeria located at SM Masinag. I enjoyed the pizza and the cashier was really accommodating. We ordered their bestseller–the Joey Pepperoni. We were told to dine the food instead of taking it home, but I wanted to share this to our household. And so we shared the pizza to the family.

What a lovely day for me 😀

Baileys Truffles

I have mentioned from my previous post about my love for chocolates. For me, chocolates work like vitamins –it gives me the energy and the feeling of excitement to make creative things.

Here’s the remaining box of Baileys Truffles. We had 3 boxes, those with original Baileys filling (nothing’s left except the box), we also had the minty flavoured Baileys (I gave it to my cousin, who actually bought these goodies for me) and this one is with the hint of caramel.

Baileys Truffle 16 pieces/box

Yup, 16 pieces per box so a total of 48 truffles (3 boxes). Guess how many truffles I ate?

only 5 Truffles remaining

I love the irish cream filling!!! I’m not really sure of the effect of eating too much of these  sweet chocolates, but as of writing I’m feeling a little tipsy (or maybe its just my imagination).

Thank you Chimi Churi for these lovely food!

Chocolate is Healthy

Yes! Eating chocolates is healthy if you consume it in moderation. But how moderate is “moderate”?

Scientists have figured out that chocolate contains both Serotonin and Phenylethylamine, which are mood-lifting hormones found naturally in the human brain.  So this explains the feeling of excitement and increased level of energy after consuming chocolates. No wonder it’s hard to quit munching this kind of food.

"Chocolate Maps" lifted from

I remember when I was just a little kid (five or six years old) , I love snacking on marshmallows covered in chocolate. That was my comfort food. My love for chocolates began during those years and I even kept a handful of Hershey’s Kisses  under my pillow. That’s how addicted I am to sweets, particularly chocolates. Thank God, my dental cavities were occurring less frequently because I regularly visit my dentist. (Contrary to popular belief, Chocolates are actually good to oral health as oppose to causing oral cavities)

Chocolate Truffles

My addiction to chocolates is restrained now, and I no longer wolf down a bar of chocolate and worse a box of chocolates for that matter. Even though there are several articles saying that chocolates is a safe alternative as compared to ordinary candies because it contains a  low glycemic index (This means that eating chocolate, will not cause your blood sugar to spike and then crash.),yet still eating chocolates in moderation is the best practice to prevent sickness, such as Diabetes.

a pile of chocolates

Nevertheless, Happy Chocolate Eating!

Popping Corn

Amazing glaze made with real butter. Fluffy popcorn & premium pecans

Last night, I decided to snack on Orville Redenbacher’s Pecan Delight Gourmet Popcorn aka Glazed popcorn. I thought the glazed popcorn with pecan praline was scrummy. To save my self from getting an extra pound of sugar, I shared the snack with my younger brother who also fell in love with its taste. The popcorn per se is flavorful, addictive and the price is affordable. I’ll definitely buy another bag!